Health is a condition of full physical, mental and social well-being and nut just absence of diseases and physical defects.
Men's wish to change external look of penis is main indication to esthetic corrections.
The problem of penis enlargement traces its roots from ancient phallic cults. In trade and sculptural pictures of ancient Hindu prevailed males with very big penises. On Corsica Island were found phallic monuments of Bronze Age having length of 15-25cm.
Extremely big penis is the main theme of numerous Japanese “night books” used over ages as an visual stimulant. In Europe in Renaissance period in vogue were male left flypiece. D. Richards explains this phenomenon: “Penis size is very important for a man. In penis is concentrated all male great pride. In penis lives the greatest part of male “ego”.
Therefore, exists a particular cultural and social tendency for big penis worship. Research workers claim that exists huge documented information proving that feeling of disappointment caused by distress of soul, their anxieties, matrimonial problems, along with mental disorders result from ignorance and lack of exact information about sex and genital organs.
Recent years was increased popularity of penis enlargement operations and it requires statistic researches. Wessels H., et al. (1998) tried to establish mathematical relationship between penis length in rest state and penis length in erected state. According to the results, relationship between penis length in rest state and in erected state is not so great to use it for prognosis.
The increase of penile length compared with the initial size is more frank for small penises, but anyway the difference can not be considered statistically significant. The most accurate length of penis during erection can be predicted by the maximum tension.
The popularity of this kind of researches once again proves that big penis is firmly associated in public mind with domination and this certainly is an important argument in favor of a more delicate attitude to genital surgery.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Do Male Enhancement Products Really Work?
There are
several different types of male enhancement products you can find on the market
today. Some of the most popular include:
Pills: These dietary supplements contain a mixture of vitamins, minerals, hormones
or herbs that are intended to enlarge the penis.
Lotions: Like male enhancement pills, these lotions contain a mixture of ingredients
for penis enlargement.
· Pumps: These pumps use a vacuum mechanism to draw blood into
the penis and cause it to swell. This creates a temporarily
larger-looking penis.
Stretching: This method involves a stretcher or extender that is attached to the penis
in order to exert traction and lengthen the penis.
Penile rings: These rings are placed around the shaft of the penis
to increase size and, in some cases, to also help a man maintain an erection.
In addition to
these products, there are also certain procedures and exercises used for male
enhancement. These have not been proven to be effective and the long-term
effects of such methods are unknown.
Scientific Evidence
If you are
considered using a male enhancement product, it’s important to look closely at
the scientific evidence backing the product. In most cases, the endorsements
for these products come solely from testimonials from customers or the sexual
partners’ of customers. In addition, there may be questionable before-and-after
photos as well a skewed data accompanying the advertisement. These are
unreliable sources of information regarding the effectiveness of the product.
In addition,
it’s important to consider the safety of the product and its potential effects
on your health. Many of these have safety and health claims which have not yet
been proved. In the case of dietary supplements, no Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) evaluation is required before putting the product on the
market. Just about all the packaging for male enhancement pills or lotions
contains a sentence that reads like “These statements have not been evaluated
by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).” This indicates that the products
have not been proven to work and could potentially be harmful to your health.
With vacuum pumps, stretching devices, exercises and surgery, it’s important to
consider that these methods may cause damage to the elastic tissues in the penis
and may compromise a man’s ability to maintain an erection in the future.
The Truth About Penis Size
One of the main
reasons that men become interested in or try male enhancement products is the
fear that their penis size is smaller than average or unsatisfactory for their
partner. However, studies have found that many men who believe their penis is
too small actually have a normal-sized penis. The following information is
essential for men who are considered using male enhancement products:
The average
penis size is between 3 to 5 inches when not erect and 5 to 7 inches when
Penis is only
considered to be abnormally small (a condition called micropenis) when it is
less than 3 inches long when erect.
Studies suggest
that penis size is not a top priority for most women when choosing a mate.
There is insufficient data at this point about how gay men perceive their
partners’ penis size.
Understanding a
sexual partner’s desires is more likely to improve your sexual relationship
than simply increasing the size of the penis.
Healthy And Safe Alternatives
As indicated by
the information above, there are no proven methods for male enhancement, and
many of these products are considered to be risky or unsafe. Therefore, it is
safer to consider some healthy alternatives to improve your perception of your
penis size. Some examples of safe and healthy alternatives to male enhancement
products include:
Get in shape. Being overweight or having a large belly can make your
penis appear smaller. Lose extra fat and get in shape to help your penis appear
· Trim your pubic hair. Having a lot of
pubic hair at the base of the penis can obscure part of it and make it appear
smaller. Keep your pubic hair trimmed for a larger appearance.
Look in the mirror. Many men don’t spend much time in front of a mirror,
particularly when they are naked. Consequently, their perception of their penis
size may be skewed since a penis tends to appear smaller and shorter when
viewed from above. Look in a mirror and you may find that your penis is larger
than you think.
Educate yourself. Learn about the average penis size and how it relates
to satisfaction in the bedroom. Many men find out that they have a completely
normal penis and that their sex life can be just as exciting without increasing
its size.
Talk to your partner. Many men are able to improve their sex life just by
talking with their partner about needs, desires and preferences. You may find
that penis enlargement isn’t necessary to improve your sexual relationships or
to increase your self-confidence and satisfaction.
See a therapist. If you find that you are significantly focused on
feelings of inadequacy about your penis size, you may benefit from seeing a
therapist to work through those issues.
Male enhancement
products are enticing to many men, but the fact is that these products tend to
be unsafe and may pose certain health risks. Try the alternatives listed above
to improve your perception about your penis size instead of turning to male
enhancement products.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
What Are Premature Ejaculation Causes?

Premature ejaculation is characterized with sperm release from penis
before penetration or right away after it. There is no another scientific
description of this disorder in medicine.
Many sexologists tried to find a connection between premature ejaculation and intercourse duration, number of frictions during intercourse, time that it takes a woman to reach orgasm, but no one has found this connection.
Who suffers from premature ejaculation?
In most cases premature ejaculation is found in young men who started early their sexual life. Premature release of sperm occurs because of excessive excitement or hypersensitive glans – these are two major factors causing premature ejaculation right away after beginning of sexual intercourse or before penetration.
It is considered that premature ejaculation occurs in younger age and with experience disappears. However, when the situation not changes, man starts seeking medical advice.
Premature ejaculation occurs rarely among adult males. However, the disorder may be kept from teenage but may appear in mature years. Causes of premature ejaculation in experienced men differ from premature ejaculation in young men.
Premature ejaculation causes
All factors causing premature ejaculation may be divided into next groups:
- physiologic, i.e. connected with diseases and peculiarities of male genitalia constitution
- psychological, i.e. connected with environmental effect over male psyche
There are two physiologic causes of premature ejaculation:
1) chronic inflammation of seminal vesicles (vesiculitis);
2) hypersensitive glans.
Many sexologists tried to find a connection between premature ejaculation and intercourse duration, number of frictions during intercourse, time that it takes a woman to reach orgasm, but no one has found this connection.
Who suffers from premature ejaculation?
In most cases premature ejaculation is found in young men who started early their sexual life. Premature release of sperm occurs because of excessive excitement or hypersensitive glans – these are two major factors causing premature ejaculation right away after beginning of sexual intercourse or before penetration.
It is considered that premature ejaculation occurs in younger age and with experience disappears. However, when the situation not changes, man starts seeking medical advice.
Premature ejaculation occurs rarely among adult males. However, the disorder may be kept from teenage but may appear in mature years. Causes of premature ejaculation in experienced men differ from premature ejaculation in young men.
Premature ejaculation causes
All factors causing premature ejaculation may be divided into next groups:
- physiologic, i.e. connected with diseases and peculiarities of male genitalia constitution
- psychological, i.e. connected with environmental effect over male psyche
There are two physiologic causes of premature ejaculation:
1) chronic inflammation of seminal vesicles (vesiculitis);
2) hypersensitive glans.
Age and Male Sex Drive

Charlie Chaplin became father when he was over 60 years old. In harems of
Oriental sovereigns there were not less than hundred wives and concubines, and
certainly their duties included not only feeding camels and keeping the house
Heracles overnight could make love to fifty daughters of Thespius and it is considered his Thirteenth Labour. Andrologists say each male has such sexual reserves.
Everyone knows that male age has its effects on potency. At twenty years old men are able to make sex day and night. By thirty they get cooler and their sex life becomes regular. Males at forty have enough power and experience to make many things. After fifty, naturally occur age-specific changes in male body: cells do regenerate slowly and production of sex hormones get reduced. Sex drive remains high but male needs more power to perform.
However, age is not just the number of living years but it is a rate showing deterioration of human body. Some males aged 70 give a head start to males aged 30. Therefore, to estimate health condition doctors use notion of “biological age” - true rate of aging which is identified with special tests. It includes examinations of cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, cholesterol rate in blood, elasticity of chorda.
When all body systems are in good condition in a man, then his biological age corresponds his passport one. In some cases tests show that there are some problems with health. For example, blood vessels are not keeping up, lumen is narrow and there is much cholesterol in blood. So in this case male age may be over age indicated in passport. These tests help doctors to find out if patient belongs to risk group for heart attack – this information is very useful for those who care about their health and do not want to die during an orgasm.
Each male is interested in personal rate of sexual activity. What is his rate – high, low or normal? Has he any reserves or not? To find the answer to these questions there is no need to make sex marathons or compare with friends. It would be enough to consult specialists in this field – andrologists (andrology is a medicine section which studies causes, mechanisms and treatment of male sexual diseases).
After examination of biological age of a male, including ultrasound investigation of penile vessels, the male would be given to fill a questionnaire about his sexual activity. It is recommended to answer on those questions fairly.
When male body is OK but sexual satisfaction is low, more likely that peak of sexual activity is not occurred yet. In such men those things would come. Instead, if health is not OK and sexual satisfaction is high, possibly male has overrated his resources and his body stretches to the limit its capabilities. In this case it is necessary to take actions, otherwise male sex drive would go down.
Heracles overnight could make love to fifty daughters of Thespius and it is considered his Thirteenth Labour. Andrologists say each male has such sexual reserves.
Everyone knows that male age has its effects on potency. At twenty years old men are able to make sex day and night. By thirty they get cooler and their sex life becomes regular. Males at forty have enough power and experience to make many things. After fifty, naturally occur age-specific changes in male body: cells do regenerate slowly and production of sex hormones get reduced. Sex drive remains high but male needs more power to perform.
However, age is not just the number of living years but it is a rate showing deterioration of human body. Some males aged 70 give a head start to males aged 30. Therefore, to estimate health condition doctors use notion of “biological age” - true rate of aging which is identified with special tests. It includes examinations of cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, cholesterol rate in blood, elasticity of chorda.
When all body systems are in good condition in a man, then his biological age corresponds his passport one. In some cases tests show that there are some problems with health. For example, blood vessels are not keeping up, lumen is narrow and there is much cholesterol in blood. So in this case male age may be over age indicated in passport. These tests help doctors to find out if patient belongs to risk group for heart attack – this information is very useful for those who care about their health and do not want to die during an orgasm.
Each male is interested in personal rate of sexual activity. What is his rate – high, low or normal? Has he any reserves or not? To find the answer to these questions there is no need to make sex marathons or compare with friends. It would be enough to consult specialists in this field – andrologists (andrology is a medicine section which studies causes, mechanisms and treatment of male sexual diseases).
After examination of biological age of a male, including ultrasound investigation of penile vessels, the male would be given to fill a questionnaire about his sexual activity. It is recommended to answer on those questions fairly.
When male body is OK but sexual satisfaction is low, more likely that peak of sexual activity is not occurred yet. In such men those things would come. Instead, if health is not OK and sexual satisfaction is high, possibly male has overrated his resources and his body stretches to the limit its capabilities. In this case it is necessary to take actions, otherwise male sex drive would go down.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
How To Prevent Erection Failures
If you observe that erection failures occur more frequently, probably, you are waiting too much from yourself or you are trying to make sex in an inappropriate place. Check below ways to reduce to minimum these failures. Most important thing is that these tips would help to avoid anxiety which leads to a serious long-term problems.
- Make sex only when you are disposed to it.
- Admit that you are a human and not a machine. Your feelings and sexual performance not necessarily should be equal. Sometimes you are in condition of greater readiness and sometimes you need an additional stimulation. You should say this to your partner.
- Avoid accidental partners, at least until you acquire self-confidence. You will trouble less and work better if you would create steady relationships with a partner whose reactions you know and whom you may trust.
- Do not judge your quality observing condition of your penis. Mutual satisfaction may be achieved without sexual intercourse, though during physical contact erection may occur without your conscious participation.
- If you cannot achieve erection or it disappeared before sexual intercourse or during it, you should not get upset. Explain to your partner what has happened. “Probably, I am very tired today. Let us try tomorrow in the morning.” Do not feel yourself guilty and assure your partner that there is no his guilt in that. Most important is not to withdraw physically and mentally from each other only because this time you cannot achieve erection for performing sexual intercourse. Stay close with your partner by any means except sex. If you like to be together, no matter if you have erection or not, you will be less anxious the next time when experiencing erection failure.
- Make sex only when you are disposed to it.
- Admit that you are a human and not a machine. Your feelings and sexual performance not necessarily should be equal. Sometimes you are in condition of greater readiness and sometimes you need an additional stimulation. You should say this to your partner.
- Avoid accidental partners, at least until you acquire self-confidence. You will trouble less and work better if you would create steady relationships with a partner whose reactions you know and whom you may trust.
- Do not judge your quality observing condition of your penis. Mutual satisfaction may be achieved without sexual intercourse, though during physical contact erection may occur without your conscious participation.
- If you cannot achieve erection or it disappeared before sexual intercourse or during it, you should not get upset. Explain to your partner what has happened. “Probably, I am very tired today. Let us try tomorrow in the morning.” Do not feel yourself guilty and assure your partner that there is no his guilt in that. Most important is not to withdraw physically and mentally from each other only because this time you cannot achieve erection for performing sexual intercourse. Stay close with your partner by any means except sex. If you like to be together, no matter if you have erection or not, you will be less anxious the next time when experiencing erection failure.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Natural Ways to Increase Male Potency
Male impotence, also known as erectile dysfunction, is
the inability to get or maintain an erection firm enough for sexual
intercourse, according to the National Kidney and Urological Disease
Information Clearinghouse (NKUDIC). Male potency is usually easily remedied
through the use of medication. For people who are uncomfortable with the side
effects of pharmaceuticals and want to try to treat naturally before resorting
to them, fortunately there are natural ways to increase male potency.
Make healthy lifestyle changes
to increase potency. NKUDIC suggests that the first and least invasive way to
treat erectile dysfunction is to quit smoking, lose weight and adopt a healthy
exercise routine. Sometimes these changes are enough to solve the problem.
Find ways to reduce your
anxiety levels which can contribute to erectile dysfunction, according to the
Ohio State University Medical Center. Try relaxation breathing, massage from
your partner, yoga or meditation as natural ways to improve potency by
relieving anxiety.
See a therapist to discuss any
emotional or psychological issues that may be causing performance anxiety. This
can help you feel more confident in your abilities and help you realize that
you are normal. The therapist can help you determine if you are having
relationship issues that are leading to impotence problems and help you find
ways to solve them.
Constriction Rings
Consider a constriction ring
if you can sufficiently obtain an erection but have trouble keeping it. The
constriction ring is placed at the base of the penis and will keep blood from
flowing out of the penis after an erection is achieved, helping it last longer.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction
Erection refers
to the most simple physiological male sexual response. This
reaction involves only two mechanisms vascular and neurogenic. Ironically,
while the reactions of psychosexual disorders the most common is male erectile
dysfunction .
The presence of an erection for men is more important fact than the sexual act itself . That is why any erectile dysfunction is not perceived as a single problem, but as a downfall to the male in principle.
If we turn to the terminology erectile dysfunction means - impossible to achieve an erection at all, or inability to maintain it throughout the intercourse.
Erectile dysfunction can occur at any age. Most frequently observed inability to enter the penis into the vagina. Somewhat less evident disappearance of erection when attempting copulation, though before it can be quite strong. Also, there are cases when a man can achieve an erection only in certain conditions or any situations.
Research on European and American scientists have revealed the following facts: erectile dysfunction were recorded in more than 80 millions men younger than 40. Number of older men suffering from erectile dysfunction, twice that number.
Do not take as psychogenic erectile dysfunction single erectile dysfunction cases (or lack thereof extinction at the most inopportune moment). Individual episodes still is nothing, it may be caused by a variety of reasons: stress, tension, unsuitable conditions, especially relations with a new partner. If you experience a failure and think about the possibility of its recurrence, it can lead to a true psychogenic erectile dysfunction and a phenomenon known as psychogenic impotence .
The presence of an erection for men is more important fact than the sexual act itself . That is why any erectile dysfunction is not perceived as a single problem, but as a downfall to the male in principle.
If we turn to the terminology erectile dysfunction means - impossible to achieve an erection at all, or inability to maintain it throughout the intercourse.
Erectile dysfunction can occur at any age. Most frequently observed inability to enter the penis into the vagina. Somewhat less evident disappearance of erection when attempting copulation, though before it can be quite strong. Also, there are cases when a man can achieve an erection only in certain conditions or any situations.
Research on European and American scientists have revealed the following facts: erectile dysfunction were recorded in more than 80 millions men younger than 40. Number of older men suffering from erectile dysfunction, twice that number.
Do not take as psychogenic erectile dysfunction single erectile dysfunction cases (or lack thereof extinction at the most inopportune moment). Individual episodes still is nothing, it may be caused by a variety of reasons: stress, tension, unsuitable conditions, especially relations with a new partner. If you experience a failure and think about the possibility of its recurrence, it can lead to a true psychogenic erectile dysfunction and a phenomenon known as psychogenic impotence .
Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is quite often provoked by psychogenic disorders. The most common form of the syndrome is the expectation of failure. Random sexy failure - the reduction or disappearance of erection - leads to doubt in his masculine power. Fear intensifies in anticipation of sexual intercourse, resulting in a loss of erection. Triggered the principle of auto-suggestion: the more such concerns, the more likely their implementation. Over time, manifested genuine problems with achieving and maintaining an erection begins the so-called psychogenic impotence. Subsequently, this may cause loss of interest in sex as such, the loss of faith in yourself. Numerous attempts to overcome self intercourse converted into a set of "saving " rituals, partners can not concentrate on anything other than monitoring and evaluation of response to their actions. This suppresses the possibility of even stronger erections and exacerbates psychogenic erectile dysfunction.
As a result, we are seeing a vicious circle:
• weakness of erection ;
• fear of further failures ;
• change his position on the role of the observer ;
• erectile dysfunction ;
• strengthening the fear of failure ;
• psychogenic erectile dysfunction .
If at any time not to break this cycle, erectile dysfunction will constantly get reinforcements.
Treatment of psychogenic erectile dysfunction
Psychogenic erectile dysfunction treatment combines psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy . Therapist can help relieve anxiety and fear of sexual intercourse. Pharmacotherapy initially exhausted by symptomatic agents - tranquilizers, which helped to get rid of anxiety for a short time Also used homeopathic remedies that are based primarily on the placebo effect.
In the last decade the situation has changed with the advent of PDE5 inhibitors type. They are used in all kinds of erectile dysfunction, regardless of what caused the breach. Especially these drugs are effective in the case of the vascular nature of violations. But psychogenic erectile dysfunction retreats before the action of the inhibitors.
PDE-5 inhibitors may be the type of drug treatment as psychological impotence and as a means of psychological protection: if there is attraction and provide a powerful means of stimulating the vascular effect, minimizing the possibility of failure. Therefore, the appointment of PDE- 5, it is desirable to continue to completion of psychogenic disorders: their effect is both symptomatic and pathogenetic. It is also desirable parallel with the reception held inhibitors in therapy because Fear of failure can reduce the effect of even such an effective means of, and psychological erectile dysfunction again prevail over medicines.
Increasingly inhibitors are used in situations where disorder is not yet evident, but there are prerequisites for sexual failures: increased workload, change of the partner, stress, fatigue. However, inhibitors use should certainly be after consultation with a specialist.
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