Charlie Chaplin became father when he was over 60 years old. In harems of
Oriental sovereigns there were not less than hundred wives and concubines, and
certainly their duties included not only feeding camels and keeping the house
Heracles overnight could make love to fifty daughters of Thespius and it is considered his Thirteenth Labour. Andrologists say each male has such sexual reserves.
Everyone knows that male age has its effects on potency. At twenty years old men are able to make sex day and night. By thirty they get cooler and their sex life becomes regular. Males at forty have enough power and experience to make many things. After fifty, naturally occur age-specific changes in male body: cells do regenerate slowly and production of sex hormones get reduced. Sex drive remains high but male needs more power to perform.
However, age is not just the number of living years but it is a rate showing deterioration of human body. Some males aged 70 give a head start to males aged 30. Therefore, to estimate health condition doctors use notion of “biological age” - true rate of aging which is identified with special tests. It includes examinations of cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, cholesterol rate in blood, elasticity of chorda.
When all body systems are in good condition in a man, then his biological age corresponds his passport one. In some cases tests show that there are some problems with health. For example, blood vessels are not keeping up, lumen is narrow and there is much cholesterol in blood. So in this case male age may be over age indicated in passport. These tests help doctors to find out if patient belongs to risk group for heart attack – this information is very useful for those who care about their health and do not want to die during an orgasm.
Each male is interested in personal rate of sexual activity. What is his rate – high, low or normal? Has he any reserves or not? To find the answer to these questions there is no need to make sex marathons or compare with friends. It would be enough to consult specialists in this field – andrologists (andrology is a medicine section which studies causes, mechanisms and treatment of male sexual diseases).
After examination of biological age of a male, including ultrasound investigation of penile vessels, the male would be given to fill a questionnaire about his sexual activity. It is recommended to answer on those questions fairly.
When male body is OK but sexual satisfaction is low, more likely that peak of sexual activity is not occurred yet. In such men those things would come. Instead, if health is not OK and sexual satisfaction is high, possibly male has overrated his resources and his body stretches to the limit its capabilities. In this case it is necessary to take actions, otherwise male sex drive would go down.
Heracles overnight could make love to fifty daughters of Thespius and it is considered his Thirteenth Labour. Andrologists say each male has such sexual reserves.
Everyone knows that male age has its effects on potency. At twenty years old men are able to make sex day and night. By thirty they get cooler and their sex life becomes regular. Males at forty have enough power and experience to make many things. After fifty, naturally occur age-specific changes in male body: cells do regenerate slowly and production of sex hormones get reduced. Sex drive remains high but male needs more power to perform.
However, age is not just the number of living years but it is a rate showing deterioration of human body. Some males aged 70 give a head start to males aged 30. Therefore, to estimate health condition doctors use notion of “biological age” - true rate of aging which is identified with special tests. It includes examinations of cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, cholesterol rate in blood, elasticity of chorda.
When all body systems are in good condition in a man, then his biological age corresponds his passport one. In some cases tests show that there are some problems with health. For example, blood vessels are not keeping up, lumen is narrow and there is much cholesterol in blood. So in this case male age may be over age indicated in passport. These tests help doctors to find out if patient belongs to risk group for heart attack – this information is very useful for those who care about their health and do not want to die during an orgasm.
Each male is interested in personal rate of sexual activity. What is his rate – high, low or normal? Has he any reserves or not? To find the answer to these questions there is no need to make sex marathons or compare with friends. It would be enough to consult specialists in this field – andrologists (andrology is a medicine section which studies causes, mechanisms and treatment of male sexual diseases).
After examination of biological age of a male, including ultrasound investigation of penile vessels, the male would be given to fill a questionnaire about his sexual activity. It is recommended to answer on those questions fairly.
When male body is OK but sexual satisfaction is low, more likely that peak of sexual activity is not occurred yet. In such men those things would come. Instead, if health is not OK and sexual satisfaction is high, possibly male has overrated his resources and his body stretches to the limit its capabilities. In this case it is necessary to take actions, otherwise male sex drive would go down.
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